In this day and age, we find a growing number of people turning to natural alternative therapies as a way of relieving a myriad of illnesses and ailments in our modern society. We are witnessing a revival in Chinese Cupping Therapy and acupuncture as therapeutic methods and techniques to address health conditions. If we base these practices purely on how long they’ve been used, these healing modalities then obviously work extremely well. Cupping therapy has been documented as a remedy for pain as far back as 2000 years ago. TCM or Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the principle that the blockage of chi or energy flow, through the energy pathways of the body (called meridians) result in toxic accumulation and stagnation that eventually leads illness and dis-ease.
These underlying causes of illnesses and diseases can be addressed through cupping therapy, which applies pressure and suction to literally suck out toxins and stored waste material through the skin and out of the body. Cupping therapy helps restore the smooth flow of chi through the body’s meridians. Today, it is being practiced by modern-day therapists who use cups made out of glass, bamboo, or plastic to treat patients.
Recently, a company in South Africa introduced medical silicone massage cups. Because these cups are pliable, they are easier to manipulate by cupping therapists and practitioners. Just a simple squeeze of the cup after being applied to the skin generates the suction effect required to initiate the treatment. The therapist/practitioner then can perform massage over an area compared to the old traditional way in which the cup stays in place on a specific problem area. One excellent use of these cups is in therapeutic massage cupping targeted to eliminate cellulite.
Cellulite usually entails coverage over a large area on the buttocks or thighs; the cup is manipulated and moved over the entire area in circular, zig-zag, and up and down motions. This natural alternative form of removal or reduction of cellulite is wonderful news to women who have all but given up on ever resolving their “cellulite problems”.
The fibroblast cells are stimulated by the massage resulting in the rise of elastin and collagen production, and the enhancement of lymphatic drainage and blood flow vastly improve the texture and tone of the skin. One other extremely important difference to the old style of cupping is the fact that the silicone cups do not leave the trade mark purple blue bruises on the skin.
Silicone cups are ideal for people conscious of their image who are concerned of having “cup marks” or worse, redness (albeit a healthy redness) appearing on their skin. Throughout the world, cupping therapy is an ever growing popular holistic and natural treatment that can be used for various disorders including fibromyalgia, lung conditions, addictions, migraines, eczema, stretch marks, varicose veins, colon blocks, and many more others.
Being manipulative and pliable, silicone cups, can lead to new and exciting massage techniques in the future as a way to treat stress related modern day ailments.