Tag Archives: Stress

Tai Chi Is A Great Treatment For Stress And Helps Foster Good Posture

Qi Gong, Tai Chi, and other meditative forms of martial arts have been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. These meditative forms of martial arts are occasionally named internal forms. Forms such as 8 palms or BaGua are based off the numerology of works such as the I Ching. These martial art forms concentrate on body posture and alignment, relaxation, meditation, and deep breathing. This article will talk mostly about Tai Chi, although any Chinese internal art could apply to what is being discussed here.

Tai Chi is a great remedy for stress and helps promote good posture as well. A lot of Tai Chi practitioners claim that they never need to visit a chiropractor. Chinese medicine has a great influence on Tai Chi practice, which is a holistic approach to well being that integrates what Westerners might call homeopathy, massage, and physiotherapy as well as acupuncture and ideas of how the body works. A lot of highly sought after and highly priced medical physicians are also naturopaths and homeopaths and have taught themselves the system of Eastern medicine.

A typical session of Tai Chi lasts about an hour. Students are encouraged to focus their attention on the basic movements and relax. These movements are designed to enhance balance, body awareness, coordination, flexibility, and strength. Also a major part of internal Chinese martial arts like Tai Chi is deep breathing exercises. If practiced properly, these arts can be used for self-defense. Tai Chi teaches sticky hands drills, search hands, and push hands for training on how to knock someone to the ground, search for the center of a person’s balance, and incapacitate them from doing the same to you. It may be a difficult skill to learn, but if you know how to properly use it, it can come very handy in a fight.

Tai Chi lessons are designed to cultivate a healthy spirit in a person which means it can improve will power, body control, and concentration and help alleviate stress. Tai Chi is very rarely used for fighting. In fact, most people don’t use it for any combat purposes. Since Tai Chi is often performed in slow manner, the motions may not be suited for children, who become easily bored and restless (adults usually enter a zen like state). This is where its stress relieving benefits can come in. In countries Taiwan or like China, Ba Gua and Tai Chi are usually the last arts a practitioner can learn after the other more external (kicking and punching) forms of Kung Fu.

If you are searching for a fantastic way to improve your health, posture, balance, concentration, and strength and eliminate the levels of stress in your body, internal martial arts such as Tai Chi would be an ideal addition to any of your exercise routine.

Chinese Acupressure Massage On The Shen Men Point To Relieve Stress

For people wanting a natural and effective method to relieve stress, there’s a simple technique to help them relax.

The effects and causes of stress are wide and varied, and can be experienced in different ways. When we experience stress, we feel an aching and heavy sensation in specific parts of our body. Stress is the greatest cause of a wide range of diseases hitting the US these days.

Chinese acupressure massage can work miracles for our health. This practice is a fairly easy way to manage stress through the massaging of specific acupoints on the ear.

Alleviating Stress by Applying Pressure to the Shen Men Point

What you should do when you are stressed out?

First, remove all negative emotions. Keeping stress insidetends to upset the balance in your body. Your body processes it’s very own anti-stress areas, and through psycho-reflexology, these areas can eliminate the physical effects of stress.

In ancient Chinese culture, this acupoint or area is called “The Gate of Heaven” or the Shen men point. Our entire body derives cosmic energy when this acupoint is treated. The Shen Men is a special point in that it boosts energy levels, helps reduce stress, and strengthens our overall health.

Addiction and inflammation are subdued by applying Chinese acupressure massage to this point. At the same time, this technique can alleviate pain in every part of the body.

You can find the Gate of Heaven or Shen Menacupoint on the upper thirdarea of your ear.

To stimulate the Shen Men acupoint, here’s what you need to do:

– Apply Chinese acupressure massageto the point and gently massage it with a cotton swab. You need to listen to your body and breathe deeply.

– While inhaling, turn your head to the left; turn your head to the right while exhaling. Soon, you’ll feel your body slowly relaxing.

– Use your fingers to massage this acupoint. Perform this very effective technique each time you are under extreme stress. In addition, you can perform it each night before you go to sleep.

Anxiety And Stress Treatment By Means Of Craniosacral Therapy

In dealing with danger, anxiety and stress are part of the natural defense mechanisms of the body. Heart and cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure can develop if the body continually secretes stress hormones. Anxiety is a condition characterized by phobias or feelings of panic that’s related to certain social situations. If left unchecked, this can result in depression. Most of us are searching for non-invasive natural therapies to manage our stress and relieve anxiety. In this regard, Craniosacral Therapy is one lesser known healing technique that’s worth considering.

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

Craniosacral Therapy is an alternative form of healing that concentrates on the spine and cranium, or skull, of the body. According to this therapy, the spinal fluid around our nervous system is critical to our health. Craniosacral Therapy helps improve the mechanisms of all our body’s organs through the manipulation of the cranium. It has been utilized for relief and treatment of a wide gamut of illnesses and disorders including anxiety-related problems, stress, spinal cord and chronic brain injuries, fatigue, motor coordination disorders, tension, and back and neck pain.

Anxiety and Stress

Stress is marked by the release of stress hormones into the blood stream that causes our breathing rate, blood pressure, and heart rate to elevate. Normally, these responses help us deal with potentially dangerous situations, such as fleeing from a threat. When the release of stress hormones is activated continually or too often, the body organs are subjected too extreme pressure – and this can cause the phenomenon of stress. Anxiety can be brought about by encountering and/or having to deal with new situations – when anxiety occurs too often because of reasons or feelings that are often irrational, the signs and symptoms felt can include breathing difficulty, sweating, and a rapid heartbeat. This can cause depression and anti-social behavior. Properly managing stress is one way of preventing people from experiencing the negative health implications of these two strong negative emotions. Anxiety and stress can be managed by integrating the following lifestyles into your life:

• Sufficient rest and sleep
• Adequate exercise
• Limiting or avoiding stress or anxiety in your life
• Healthy eating habits
• Downtime and adequate relaxation

People under anxiety and stress can also try disciplines such as Craniosacral Therapy, meditation and yoga which are used by more and more people to help them heal and recover.

How Does Craniosacral Therapy Relieve Anxiety and Stress?

The ultimate objective of Craniosacral Therapy is to eliminate the blockages in the flow of energy within the nervous system by means of manipulation techniques similar to gentle massage. This is often administered by therapists trained in the discipline with the client lying on a massage table and partially or fully clothed. Therapists usually concentrate on the pelvic area, spine and head with the therapy session that often lasts an hour or so. Multiple sessions are usually required to bring about positive effects.