Tag Archives: Migraine

Acupuncture is Also a Drug-free, Natural, and Safe Way to Relieve Headache

Today, alternative remedies and cures are usually considered when prescribed or typical regimes or therapies fail to live up to their expectations. For thousands of years, acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine have been practiced for thousands of years and is widely known as a way to manage pain and a wide range of illnesses effectively and safely. Moreover, acupuncture can be used as an alternative and complementary therapy for illnesses that are usually hard to address with conventional drugs.

A classification system for headache and migraine has been developed by the International Headache Society. It defines migraine as one of the common forms of primary headaches. The organization estimates that around 29 million Americans suffer from migraines on an ongoing basis.

A migraine can come with physical symptoms like throbbing and severe pain on one side of the head. Its other symptoms include nausea, sensitivity to sound and light, and sometimes vomiting. There are people who report of other symptoms such as a need to lie down, appetite loss, fatigue, low back pain, tinnitus, insomnia, irritability, and dizziness. A migraine episode can be triggered by various factors such as a sudden change in the weather, menstrual cycle, longs hours of work with little rest, stress, emotional problems, unhealthy diet, food intolerance and allergies, and many others.

Acupuncture is recognized by both the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health as a valid form of treatment of more than 40 medical symptoms, disorders, and conditions including migraine headache. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine is an effective and safe alternative treatment that can be to treat migraine pain. It stimulates the natural healing potential of the body by addressing the underlying causes that have brought about the disease or problem in the first place. Studies reveal that acupuncture sets off the body’s own mechanisms for producing and releasing its own pain alleviating chemicals known as dopamine and endorphins, opioid-like compounds that quell pain and generate the feeling of well-being.

No two people are alike. Individually and holistically, acupuncture considers each person unique. Each cell in a person’s body is interconnected with one another and works as a component of an integrated whole. In short, acupuncture addresses the whole individual, not just pieces and parts. The underlying reasons of a symptom that two or more individuals experience can be entirely different.

Acupuncture has no adverse side effects, only positive ones. It is a potent preventative treatment and is completely natural that directly works with the natural processes of the body, not against them. There are no medications in an acupuncture treatment. Medications and invasive procedures that Western treatment uses may lead to an accumulation of toxins and unwanted side effects in the body. These side effects acupuncture does not have. In truth, a feeling of relaxation or revitalization is the most commonly reported outcomes.

Acupuncture is effective and affordable compared to some expensive Western medical medications, treatments, and therapies and when it’s used as an adjunct therapy or a primary plan of treatment, it can help one avoid further medical complications and expenses down the road. It also can prevent future illness and facilitate healthy changes.

An efficacious effective form of medical therapy, acupuncture is also a drug-free, natural, and safe way to wellness and in maintaining wellness.