Tag Archives: Fibromyalgia

Cupping Therapy For The Treatment Of Fibromyalgia

If you are one of those suffering from Fibromyalgia, you will know that it is just as important to learn about available alternative treatments that can relieve your symptoms as it is to know the best kinds of conventional medical treatment. Unlike most medication-based treatments, alternative therapy does not leave you with any adverse side effects and in regard to Fibromyalgia treatment, there are several extremely effective forms of these therapies that can help alleviate pain caused by the condition. For alternative health physicians and practitioners, cupping therapy is certainly one of the most popular and powerful choices of treatment for Fibromyalgia.

What Is Cupping Therapy?

A natural and alternative type of treatment that has been taken from ancient Chinese medicine, cupping therapy involves the application of special cups to the body in order to facilitate healthy circulation, eliminate toxins from the body, and relieve pain. The cups function as vacuum with the aid of either suction or heat. They are placed on specific points on the body called ‘triggers’ same as the ones used in acupuncture. The cups are usually left on the body for about 15 minutes. Cupping therapy can be performed in a couple of ways: stationary cupping and massage cupping. As the name suggests, stationary cupping, involves applying the cups and simply leaving them for the rest of the session, while massage cupping involves moving the cups on the skin surface to massage muscles and joints.

How Are the Cups Applied?

The application of cups on the body is quite simple. A ball of cotton is soaked in alcohol and lit in order to produce the vacuum effect. Then, the burning ball of cotton is held inside the cup until the oxygen inside the cup is used up. The cotton ball is immediately removed once this has been achieved, and the cup is placed over the targeted acupoint on the body. In theory, this may sound painful, but what the patient actually feels is simply a light sucking sensation. The process usually leaves reddish round marks on the skin after treatment although these marks vanish within a few hours.

How Can Cupping Treat Fibromyalgia?

After a cupping treatment session, the patient usually enjoys a state of extreme relaxation thanks to the removal of toxins and increased circulation in his body. This helps the body enjoy a faster rate of healing in the ligaments, tendons, and muscles. For Fibromyalgia patients, this can be a significant reduction of the stiffness usually felt in the tissues and muscles. Cupping can improve the overall flexibility of the muscles and alleviate the pain resulting in a better range of motion in previously stiff joints. Most patients also experience a lowering of their anxiety levels, depression, and stress.

A Combined Treatment Of Qi Gong, T’ai Chi Acupuncture, And Chinese Nutritional Therapy Can Work Quite Well In The Treatment Of Fibromyalgia

In a recent study of patients suffering from fibromyalgia, it was discovered that compared with the control group who were given stretching exercises and wellness education, the group practicing T’ai Chi showed a significant improvement in their quality of life that included both significant physical and mental improvements.

While this was just a small scale study, it is additional proof of the health benefits of Qi Gong and T’ai Chi, especially for extremely painful conditions like fibromyalgia, which Chinese Medicine categorizes as ‘knotty issues’ that entail complex interconnections of various causes and symptoms. Several previous types of research have also demonstrated acupuncture’s ability to improve fibromyalgia symptoms significantly, especially in regard to anxiety, fatigue, and pain.

Fibromyalgia is a complex disease that involves symptoms such as pain, muscle spasms, depression, anxiety, sleeping problems, weakness of the limbs, heightened sensitivity to touch, and fatigue. Memory and concentration problems are typical – this is sometimes known as ‘fibro-fog’ or ‘brain fog’. The clinical perspective differs enormously from person to person, with each person manifesting his or her own unique symptoms.

Western conventional medicine has still not ascertained the real cause of fibromyalgia. Several theories have been proposed connected to stress, sleep disturbance, and abnormal amounts of serotonin and dopamine in the brain. Western medicine poorly understands this condition and so has little to offer by way of treatment – medications for treating fibromyalgia include anti-seizure drugs, anti-depressants, hormones, muscle relaxants, and painkillers. Obviously, most of these drugs come with adverse side-effects and the level of success is quite low.

Case to case treatment offered by Chinese Medicine for fibromyalgia and other ‘knotty problems’ can work quite well. This is particularly true when a combined plan of treatment that includes Tuina and acupuncture strengthen Chi and normalize the hormones to relieve anxiety and boost energy levels is considered. Tui Na therapy massage can be quite effective in easing muscle spasm and relieving tense muscles.

In Chinese medicine, the ‘brain fog’ associated with fibromyalgia is a common ‘Dampness’ symptom that can be effectively dealt with through the use of tuina and/or acupuncture therapy. Chinese nutritional therapy can also be used with extreme effectiveness to augment the benefits of the treatment, more so when it comes to increasing levels of energy and in eliminating ‘brain fog’. And as the recent study has demonstrated, getting Qi Gong or T’ai Chi practice on a regular basis can also significantly alleviate symptoms and improve overall health.

A combined treatment strategy involving more than one type of treatment can treat different symptoms at the same time since fibromyalgia symptoms tend to be interconnected. This results in a slow but sure improvement in all areas of a person’s well-being and health. Normally, this is significantly much better than just acupuncture alone or any stand-alone treatment, for that matter.

Bellabaci Massage Therapy For Treatment Of Fibromyalgia Symptoms

For fibromyalgia medications, common side effects would include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, fatigue, concentration problems and hypertension. Side effects may also include suicidal ideations and the drugs can also have lethal interactions with other medications. Because of this, a growing number of people are seeking ways to avail themselves of natural fibromyalgia relief.

One way people suffering from fibromyalgia derive relief from some of its common symptoms is by trying Bellabaci massage therapy. This type of massage is a form of cupping treatment with more superior benefits over the more traditional and older cupping techniques.

What Is Cupping Therapy?

A form of alternative medicine dating back hundreds of years, cupping therapy is a procedure whereby cups are placed on certain parts of the body and a vacuum is used to generate suction. The effect of the suction goes about four inches deep into the tissues of the body causing the release of toxins from the tissues. The suction effect is likewise believed to stimulate the lymphatic system and helps eliminate blockages in the arteries and veins. For the therapist to generate a vacuum and a suction effect, the air is heated inside the cups, and the cups are then applied to the body. After the air cools inside the cup, pressure drops inside the cup producing a vacuum.

What Is Bellabaci Massage Therapy?

For fibromyalgia, Bellabaci massage cupping therapy uses a similar principle of generating suction to clear out blockages and toxins while the suction is generated in a safer and easier way. Instead of heating the cups up that actually could lead to burns in the patient, if one is not careful, Bellabaci cups are composed of silicone and all one needs to do is squeeze the cup gently with one hand and then release pressure as they apply the cups to the skin surface. One gets the same benefits as traditional cupping therapy with Bellabaci cups although these cups are simpler and safer to use.

Can Fibromyalgia Pain be Alleviated with Bellabaci Therapy?

On the Mayo Clinic website, an article was posted showing studies suggesting that when combined with acupuncture, cupping therapy can actually lessen the symptoms of fibromyalgia more effectively than conventional drugs. The studies measured the cupping technique’s efficacy by comparing it with other forms of treatment. At the end of the study, the researchers concluded that while there is still a need to do additional studies and research but the article noted that “some feasible studies suggest a probable role for cupping in treating fibromyalgia“.

To know whether Bellabaci cupping therapy really works for you is to simply give it a try. Unlike conventional drugs, there’s no need to worry about any adverse side effects and there’s also no need to worry about the risk of being burned nor is there a need to have a lot of skill in order to use Bellabaci cups. In addition, Bellabaci cupping therapy is an inexpensive therapy which makes it accessible for people who can’t afford more expensive fibromyalgia treatments. So if you are experiencing painful symptoms from your fibromyalgia conditions, you may want to try Bellabaci Body Massage Therapy if you’re seeking a natural way to relieve its symptoms.

Cupping Therapy For The Relief Of Fibromyalgia Symptoms

For fibromyalgia sufferers, there are medical treatments as well as alternative therapies that can be considered. One type of alternative therapy that has been shown to work for this condition is an ancient Chinese healing art known as Cupping Therapy.

Because of the many side effects that can be experienced from taking conventional medications, more and more people are turning to natural alternative treatments to help cure, relieve or manage their health problems. The same applies to fibromyalgia sufferers. Most alternative therapies do not have the nasty side effects that a lot of Western allopathic drugs do. However, not all alternative treatment modalities are legitimate since there are a lot of hokey alternative therapies out there as well. So, let’s talk about the things you need to know about cupping therapy to understand why it can be an appropriate choice for you.

What is Cupping Therapy?

Cupping therapy is one component of an age-old Oriental healing system known as traditional Chinese medicine. It originated in China more than 2,500 years ago and is a form of treatment designed to help boost blood flow, alleviate pain, and rid the body of toxins through the application of glass cups on the skin. For most Westerners, this may sound a little weird but this was also their reaction when acupuncture was first introduced in America. In cupping therapy, each glass is set on different parts of your body. The air inside the cups is sucked out by a vacuum device and the cups are then quickly placed on the body where they remain in place for about 15 minutes.

Practitioners may choose one of two different methods of cupping. One method is called stationary cupping in which, during the session, the glass cups are left untouched and not moved. The other cupping method is called massage cupping and in this procedure, the glass cups are moved in a massage like motion around the skin. This type of massage is commonly used to relieve sore muscles and joints.

The materials used in cupping therapy include matches, candles, rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, and of course, glass cups.

A Typical Cupping Therapy Procedure

This is a step-by-step description of a typical cupping procedure. First, the practitioner soaks a cotton ball in alcohol and use a match to light the ball up. The flaming cotton ball is held inside the cup and the heat creates a vacuum. The cotton is then removed and the cup is immediately placed on the part of the body targeted for treatment. The vacuum effect in the cup draws the skin into the cup. The cups are then left on the patient’s body for 15 minutes or less. Normally, four or five cups are used in the treatment. But for severe problems, sometimes up to six cups are used.

The treatment may seem painful and sound a little bizarre. But, the fact is, the patient merely experiences a light sucking sensation on the site where the cup is applied during treatment. Later on, he may have little red rings on his skin but they do fade quickly.

Cupping can be an effective treatment for fibromyalgia. Sufferers may experience a significant change in their condition. The treatment can help them feel calm and relaxed and most importantly, help relieve their aches and pain in a huge way. It can release toxins from the body and quicken the healing time of injured joints and muscles. Patients may also experience greater flexibility in their muscles. The pain for the trigger points is significantly reduced and if you suffer from depression and anxiety, the treatment can also help overcome them.

Cupping therapy for fibromyalgia should only be performed by a qualified practitioner. You should not try this yourself at home. You need to visit a holistic treatment center or search for a qualified practitioner or massage therapist. The treatment can definitely provide great benefits that can lead to the healing of fibromyalgia symptoms.