Tag Archives: Acupressure

Acupressure Natural Diabetes Treatment

A lot of people believe that no natural cure for diabetes exists. Others don’t even think that there are treatments that can help decrease diabetes symptoms. Actually, these beliefs are false since many people who have suffered from diabetes now have been cured through natural healing therapies. Many of the people who believe a natural cure for diabetes exists think that the cure can be found from eating natural foods. This again is not totally true.

This article will discuss a natural but secret treatment for diabetes: Acupressure. There have been medical reports showing how people who have tried acupressure have reduced or have totally been cured of their condition. How is the possible? Acupressure activates the various acupuncture points in your body which can help normalize the heath levels of a person. By targeting and stimulating preselected acupoints in the body, you’re assisting your body activate healing processes. These processes are usually disrupted by fatigue and stress that your body is subjected to on a daily basis.

According to ancient Chinese medicine, when we release certain acupressure points, we also are releasing unhealthy chi or energy that may be related to a specific acupressure point. This can have a significant healing effect on the body. Although acupressure can definitely give you incredible benefits, it is still wise to first talk to a doctor or healthcare provider before deciding to go through this non-conventional healing protocol.

If you’ve made up your mind getting acupressure as a treatment alternative, you need to make sure that the practitioner performing the procedure is a licensed and qualified practitioner. Look for references and verify his or her credentials. Also you need to determine whether he or she has the knowledge required to administer successful acupressure procedures. Talk to the practitioner about your expectations of the treatment and if he or she can discuss with youany success stories from past patients. It might be in your interest if the practitioner has successfully treated patients with diabetes before using acupressure.

Before starting acupressure, you need to do some research about this age-old healing modality. You can search online to know what it is all about. It’s better if you’re mentally prepared about this treatment and so you need to know all about it as much as you can. It will be extremely useful if you know what pressure points are used to help treat diabetes.

Acupressure is a natural therapy and so does not have any adverse side effects. It can very well provide you the results you’ve been looking for.

Acupressure Techniques For Treating Constipation

The techniques used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) mentioned below will all work provided the patient has no substantial health problem like obstruction or tumor.

Acupressure is the most convenient and ideal form of TCM treatment for constipation that can be done at home. All a patient suffering from constipation requires is to let his fingers stimulate specific acupressure points on his/her body. Housewives have been telling stories of a “poop button” that’s 3 finger widths from under the belly button. However, it seems a lot better to say that a constipated individual would require regular and longer acupressure sessions to cure his/her problem.

Here are a few acupressure points that are commonly used to treat constipation:

On the back – Located a couple of finger widths from the backbone on the pelvic bone; with arms bent, utilize thumbs to feel under the lowest rib bone.

Around the belly button – 3 finger widths and left from the belly button, from the aforementioned further three finger widths downwards.

On the arms – Between the index finger and thumb’s fleshy area, on the wrist under the pinky, between the index finger and thumb’s bony area, and, when the arm is folded, on the end of the elbow’s crease.

Having second thoughts about trying acupressure?

Keep in mind that acupressure is founded on the principles of acupuncture. Patients who aren’t responding to acupressure are most likely to respond when needles are stuck into the four acupuncture points around the belly button. Acupuncture’s effect on post surgical constipation was seen on a fluoroscope in which inserted needles on a person’s limbs stimulated movements in the intestines. While Western medical science is unable to explain how and why Traditional Chinese Medicine works, researchers in the field of electro medicine have noticed that acupressure points and meridians do possess levels of electromagnetic energy that non-acupressure points don’t have.

For a more intensive constipation treatment at home that not as invasive as acupuncture, a healing technique known as gua sha can be a viable alternative. Gua sha means to scrape the surface of the skin until petechiae, which are reddish spots that look like sand, appear. Gua sha is widely used in the homes of Southeast Asian countries like Indonesia and Vietnam. In regard to constipation, the practitioner uses a smooth edge instrument such as a spoon lubricated with herbal oil or rice wine to scrape the acupressure points in downward strokes around the backbone and the belly button.

A patient suffering from constipation will first be examined by a TCM practitioner. The practitioner will use TCM diagnostic techniques such as a tongue and pulse examinations to evaluate the symptoms of the patient. The practitioner will assess whether the problem is the result of excess cold, excess warmth, or chi deficiency in the patient’s body. He then rectifies the yin and yang imbalance accordingly, usually recommending herbs to bring back harmony in the body.

For instance, constipation associated with excess heat would not only require herbs to heal the intestines but also herbs to strengthen the kidneys and lungs which control the fluids responsible for smooth bowel movements. Does Traditional Chinese Medicine work in the treatment of constipation? Several clinical studies show that it does.