A lot of women between the ages of 25 – 35 suffer from a very painful condition known as endometriosis. This illness can result in many health-related problems. Some women prefer herbal medicine and acupuncture in treating endometriosis instead of using Western conventional forms of treatment. The treatment that will be provided will depend on the degree of severity of the symptoms and on the woman’s plans to have children in the future.
Endometriosis can also strike women at different stages of their life. The ovaries produce hormones once a month that increase the amount of cells of the uterine lining in preparation for potential egg fertilization. These cells are called endometrial cells and are meant to develop only within the uterus. But for some reason, they sometimes grow outside of the uterus resulting in endometriosis.
Endometriosis causes a great deal of pain for people suffering from them. It may also cause scarring on the area surrounding the pelvis and on the tubes, and ovaries. This condition may also bring about the occurrence of large cysts in the pelvis and cause chronic pelvic pain and infertility. Western medicine can offer a number of treatment options like drugs, hysterectomy, and surgery. Some women have no desire taking medications nor want undergo an invasive procedure such as surgery. Hysterectomy is not an option for women planning to have children in the future; therefore, they seek safer and effective natural alternatives such as acupuncture and herbal medicine.
Acupuncture and herbal medicine are frequently used alongside each other not only to treat the physical symptoms but the spiritual, mental, and emotional conditions, as well. For thousands of years, the Chinese have been using acupuncture for treating scores of diseases; in the US, this treatment has only been used since around the 1970s. Acupuncture is most commonly used for treatment of pain in the US.
In an acupuncture procedure, sterile tiny needles are stuck into specific points in the body based on the symptoms and constitution of the patient. The parts of the body where needles are commonly inserted include the stomach, wrists, ears, feet, legs, and back. The length of the treatment is based on how severe the condition is although it usually lasts around 20 – 40 minutes. According to Chinese medicine, acupuncture addresses endometriosis by boosting blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, balancing the hormones, and relieving pain by increasing the number of endorphins in the bloodstream.
One of the most important forms of medicine in the whole world is herbal medicine. Herbs can be used externally and internally to treat illness and bring back health. The methods used by herbal practitioners are based on the traditional use of a certain herb and in modern medicine breakthroughs. Treatment of endometriosis requires the use of several different plants such as dandelion, motherwort, wild yam, burdock, cramp bark, and horsetail. These herbs treat endometriosis in a natural way by bolstering the strength of the immune system and helping rebalance hormones.
As with most treatments and medicines, results from herbal and acupuncture treatments may take some time to manifest. When you’ve opted for herbal or acupuncture treatment, it’s important to note that these treatments should only be conducted under the careful supervision of a qualified and licensed herbalist or acupuncturist. If you’re suffering from endometriosis, herbal medicine and acupuncture can be a safer and much more effective alternative to drugs and surgery.