The cure for malaria was developed by an academic institution found to have been recorded in ancient Chinese Medicine texts over 5000 years ago.
Itwas very encouraging news when dried plant leaves totally cured all 19 patients with malaria who were on the verge of death. However, there was one part of the story that was never reported: this same treatment that the institution claimed to have “developed” actually has already existed for 5000 years and used by ancient practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
A medical doctor at a Congo clinic who was treating 19 people stricken with malaria was discouraged when the conventional drugs failed to heal them. The patients, was age ranged from 13 months to 62 years old, had reached the severest stage of the disease, which was characterized by pulmonary edema, convulsions, respiratory distress and a loss of consciousness. One patient, a five-year-old had even gone into a coma. Thedoctor,fed up with using the conventional treatment of intravenous artesunate that didn’t work, decided to try a never before used and not yet sanctioned malaria therapy involving the use of a dried leaf from the Artemisia annua plant.
Shockingly, all 19 patients experienced a total recovery within a period of just five days, and blood tests revealed there were no more parasites in their blood. While the academic institution immediately took credit for developing the cure, the fact is that the same herb, called Qing Hao was being used by the Chinese for thousands of years as a way to cure diseases such as malaria. Actually, it seems even in a TCM document that was written in the 1500s, the institution’s in helping the lives of these people should not be downplayed, although it would be fairly more accurate for them to stay they sort of “rediscovered” this cure instead of having developed it.
Couldmodern plants treat different types of diseases?
Just consuming the plant’s leaves was all it took for the people to be cured to this oftentimes fatal illness, which affects the circulatory and systems and liver, and is transmitted via mosquito bites. Compare this to the new vaccine for malaria, which is being developed by University of Tubingenresearchers. This involves the injecting of the malaria pathogens into healthy volunteers. The pathogens entered the body where they accumulate in the liver. These individuals must then take an anti-malarial medication that allegedly weakens the parasites when they enter the bloodstream. What kind of treatment when you prefer?
There is replete with medicinal plants that can naturally cure a wide variety of illnesses, but you won’t hear much about it in the media. Why not? Because Big Pharma’s vast reach and its billions of dollars are utilized to keep these herbs away from the public consciousness and at the same time promote their drugs that are merely designed to address the symptoms and not the underlying cause of the disease. This is evident in the way big Pharma treats the cannabis plant, a plant that has a wide variety of uses from the treatment of anxiety to the relief of chronic pain and even autism. One other herb known as cat’s claw bark, is largely unknown in the US but is widely used in in South America to help treat leukemia, leukemia and breast and lung cancer. Instead of this plant being used extremely deadly and invasive therapies such as chemotherapy and mammograms are heavily promoted because they rake in billions of dollars for the pharmaceutical cartel.
With almost half 1 million people dying from malaria in 2015 alone and resistant forms of malaria turning up in Europe and Africa,the potential of Qing Haoto save literally hundreds of thousands of lives is just incredible.